You are here: Sales > Printing, Emailing and E-Fax > Emailing and E-Fax > Setup for Email & Efax

Setup for Email & Efax

System settings, permissions, email addresses for users and email or E-fax details for debtors are required to use the email functionality.



System  System Maintenance  Invoicing.  System settings to be enabled

  • AllowInvoiceEmailing
  • EmailInvoicesWithZeroQuantityDel


System  Staff Configuration Role Maintenance

Select the relevant Role, click Global Switches and set permissions for the Sales Order folder


System  Staff Configuration Staff Maintenance

  • Enter details in the fields Email Address and Email Display Name and save


Debtors  Debtors Maintenance

  • Enter valid email addresses in the Email field in the header section
  • Enter valid E-fax details in the Email field in the header section as required by the faxing software being used e.g. [email protected]

  Email addresses attached to the Contacts Names for debtor accounts cannot be used by the email system at this stage

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